Advanced Macro
Quantitative Macro with Heterogeneous Agents
- Syllabus
Household Heterogeneity
- Motivation
- Bewley-Huggett-Aiyagari-Imrohoroglu Model
- Aiyagari: Computational Details
[Consumption-Savings using EGM (in Python)]
[Notebook and Code for the solution using EGM (in Julia)]
[Notebook and Code for the solution using EGM (in Python)]
[Notebook and Code for the solution using VFI (in Julia)] - Life Cycle Economies
- Krusell-Smith: Transition Dynamics and Agg. Uncertainty
[Transition Dynamics and IRF Simulation using Boppart-Krusell-Mitman (in Julia)]
[Krusell-Smith using Sequence-Space Jacobian (in Python)] - HANK: Fiscal Policy
- HANK: Monetary Policy
Firm Heterogeneity
- Motivation
- Hopenhayn Model
[Notebook and Code (in Julia)]
[Notebook and Code (in Python / Jupyter Notebook)] - Hopenhayn-Rogerson
[Notebook and Code (in Julia)]
[Notebook and Code (in Python / Jupyter Notebook)] - Melitz Model (Placeholder)
- Misallocation
- Financial Frictions
- Firms and Business Cycles
- Product and Labor Market Power (Placeholder)
- Calibration and the Use of Data in Macro